Friday, May 20, 2011

9 to 5

The morning grind
Too early - Too soon
Rolling out of bed
Can't find a spoon
So, my oatmeal cools
Too cool
So, I hit reheat
Thinking that might work
But, my microwave broke
And by the time I clean up the mess
My toast is a burnt, little stump.
Should have watched the toaster, too
But I didn't know what to do.
Guess there's no breakfast today -
What can I say?

The very next day
Greeted again.
The morning grind
Too early
Far too soon
Rolling out of bed
Can't find a...damn it.


  1. Hahahahaha Ah, you never fail to make me smile.

    It has a very good beat and I like the relatableness of it :)

    There is no spoon.

  2. The spoon is a lie. :)

    Thanks Haley - I'm glad you understand my suffering. It really sucks to have cold oatmeal. Ick.
