Monday, May 16, 2011

The Written Word

I learned the power  of
the written word
                when just a small child.

I learned to fulfill my
                to satisfy my needs
                to feel content.

Later-- I learned that teachers possessed
                the power
                to carve red A’s or F’s.

The words that I loved---
                hungered for
                burned for
                become traitors and exposed me.

I learned that those first failures
                would pierce my soul.

Finally, I learned that I possessed the power
                to ask permission
                to explain or report.

I possess the power to make others
                laugh and cry.

Instinctively, I learned that my writing
                possessed the power
                To let me out of prison for good behavior.

S. L.  Fellinger

1 comment:

  1. This is so good Mrs. Fellinger! I love the line : I possess the power to make others laugh and cry. I don't know why, but it's beautiful!
